It's a very old castle. By keeping all comparative and superlative forms of adjectives/adverbs/nouns, you can easily make comparisons between or among things.

A superlative adjective is used to compare three or more objects, people, or places. Buena! 3. intellectual. 4.7/5 (17,121 Views . in Britain.

bad- worse- worst. Este coche es mejor. You are no better than him. Regular comparative and superlative adjectives merely put an - er and an - est ending on the basic adjective, even if they are very long (in contrast to English, which uses 'more' or 'most' if the adjective is more than two syllables long, such as diligent or intelligent). It was easier than I thought. Irregular Adjective Comparative Form Superlative Form. WRITE THE COMPARATIVE OR SUPERLATIVE FORM OF THE ADJECTIVES IN THESE SENTENCES 1.

If you are unsure about how many syllables one adjective has, you can use the . home > : Pronouns | Prepositions | Nouns | Plurals | Diminutives | Verbs | Conjugation | Passive | Irregular . Mi madre es la más inteligente de la familia. 4-Chihuahuas are the smallest dogs.

WRITE THE COMPARATIVE OR SUPERLATIVE FORM OF THE ADJECTIVES IN THESE SENTENCES 1. updated SEP 9, 2013. posted by spenie26. Use the comparative form - better - when comparing two items. July is generally (hot) month of the year . Its superlative degree of comparison is 'most intelligent'. There is no such word as "intelligenter". 1927, F. E. Penny, chapter 5, in Pulling the Strings: Anstruther laughed good-naturedly.

This new job is_____ for me than the . "Most intelligent" is the superlative form.

(good) 5.- My neighbor is the luckiest person I know (lucky) . 6. For example, the superlative form of good is "best." Examples of Superlative: Marcus is the tallest boy in the class. The word elephant has three syllables.. Some common irregular adjectives are good better best and bad worse worst. Superlative How the superlative is formed? Max is older than John. Adjective. She was younger than I thought.

Iron is the most useful metal.

Click to see full answer. 7. One World Trade Center is (tall) building in the United States. One-syllable adjectives. So the comparative and superlative forms of aatel which can also mean bad are used. VII. WRITE THE COMPARATIVE OR SUPERLATIVE FORM OF THE ADJECTIVES IN THESE SENTENCES 1. Answer (1 of 13): Both of 'she is an intelligent' and 'she is a intelligent' are wrong. Adjectives and adverbs can be used to make comparisons. (cheap) The superlative form of young; most young. Use the superlative form - best - when comparing three or more items. To make the comparative form of adjectives (like 'bigger' or 'more expensive') and the superlative form (like 'biggest' or 'most expensive'), first we need to know how many syllables are in the adjective. Your voice is worse than mine. She is the least intelligent. 5-A "10" exam result is the best result.

She's the most intelligent person in her class.

Iron is more useful than copper. Jump to navigation Jump to search. The positive form expresses the normal degree of intensity of the adjective. She was a very intelligent student. My mother is (good) d) C cook in the world.

3. ; My brother is the least prudent person when driving.- Mi hermano es la persona menos prudente al conducir.

; tall --> taller - the tallest; old --> older - the oldest; If the one-syllable adjective ends with an e, just add -r for the comparative form and -st for the superlative form. 13524 views.

He is the best. You use this form when contrasting three or more things: The black cat is the smallest of the four. Its superlative degree of comparison is 'most intelligent '.

As well as with the comparative structure we have to change the adjectives base form to the superlative form. 2. One-syllable adjective ending with a single consonant with a single vowel before it. Mi hermano es el menos responsable de la familia. Therefore, the superlative of heavy is heaviest. Mary is taller than Max. Rules for changing into comparative and superlative form. Adjective and Adverb Comparative Structures.

4. He's the most intelligent man I've ever met. 4. So the superlative form of far is the furthest bad becomes the worst and good is the best. 6) Dino's is (cheap) restaurant in town. - My mother is the most intelligent one in the family. Most adjectives have regular forms in comparative and superlative. ; Max is wiser than his brother. The irregular forms in comparative adjectives are the same for superlative adjectives. Answers. 5) Mrs Jones is (friendly) lady in our village. (rare, proscribed) superlative form of intelligent: most intelligent; (Comparative) No other boy is as intelligent as this . (This car is good .) Answer (1 of 2): In the progression demonstrated by "fast", "faster", "fastest", the first is the adjective, the second is the comparative and the third is the superlative.

Dave is (untidy) person in class.

A crow is cleverer than a peacock. 1. 2 Raghu is cleverer than his friends. Remove ads. (rare, proscribed) superlative form of intelligent: most intelligent; Hence, option C is the correct answer. The adjective, ' intelligent ' (which has four syllables) is the positive form.

3. Positive, Comparative & Superlative Degree. 2 It is worth mentioning that when an adjective ends in -l, the l is often doubled. Wiki User. clever - cleverer - cleverest. Take a look at this example of a long-form adjective in its comparative form: His house is more beautiful than mine.

The superlative is used to note which of the things is of the highest quality or degree. What is the absolute superlative of inteligente? c) Rana is the most intelligent boy I have ever seen. 4. In other words, most long-form adjectives contain at least three syllables. Mary's car is larger than Max's car.

The floor is_____ (uncomfortable) than it. far - farther - farthest.

She is prettier than her sister. Thus, the adjective 'tallest' is the Superlative Degree of tall.Note: (i) The Superlative form of the adjective is used when we compare more than two objects or persons. (big) 3.- Iceland is colder than Spain (cold) . Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Of the three students, Max is the oldest. Platinum is costlier than gold.

There are also other ways to make comparisons using other expressions. Using the superlative form takes a comparison to the highest degree possible. Its superlative degree of comparison is 'most intelligent'. The superlative form is the greatest or least degree of the quality named, e.g., reddest, most or least awful, soonest, most or least quickly.

When two objects or persons are being compared, the comparative form of the adjective is used. She is older than her husband.

1.- My sister is _____ my brother. 1. Hawaii is (interesting) place I've ever been to. Adjectives have three forms: positive, comparative, and superlative. 2. 1. Regular adjectives. This is the biggest piece of cake. She is as intelligent as you are.

You might think you are more intelligent than him but you aren't. Compare actions We can use the comparative or superlative form of adverbs to compare actions Its comparative degree of comparison is 'more intelligent'. 8. She was_____ girl in her class.

Terrence Tao is (intelligent) person in the world. When an object or a person possesses a quality in the greater degree of all that are being compared, then the superlative form of the adjective is used. Best Answer. ; the best in Iron is more useful than copper.

A crow is cleverer than a peacock. Example - better as adverb. Comparative. It's a very old castle. 7. My mother is (good) d) C cook in the world. 3-Sharks are the most dangerous animals. In Spanish, forms like '-er' or '-est' for short adjectives do not exist (más or menos are used). Most one‐syllable and some two‐syllable adjectives form the comparative and superlative degrees by adding ‐er or ‐est: tall, taller, tallest; smart, smarter, smartest.The adjective's final consonant is sometimes doubled: big, bigger, biggest; sad, sadder, saddest.A final ‐y is changed to ‐i: dry, drier, driest; happy, happier, happiest. A frequent concern is about when to use am in the superlative and when not to. Three or more things We use the superlative form of an adjective or adverb to compare three or more things.. You can also form a superlative by adding -ísimo(s) or ísima(s) to an adjective and even some The floor is_____ (uncomfortable) than it. intelligentest (rare, proscribed) superlative form of intelligent: most intelligent The comparative form is used to compare two people, ideas, or things. comparative or superlative form. SENTENCES -SUPERLATIVE 1-The Nile is the longest river. 6.- Friday is the busiest day of the week. A) Write the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives. Its comparative degree of comparison is 'more intelligent '. (busy) 7.- These trainers are cheaper than those.

Adjectives with 3 or more syllables: use the most with the unchanged adjective Some people think that Russian is the most difficult language. Lead is the heaviest metal. Short adjectives add the termination -est.

; the best in WRITE THE COMPARATIVE OR SUPERLATIVE FORM OF THE ADJECTIVES IN THESE SENTENCES 1. As shown in the beginning sentence example, the adjective best is a superlative adjective that compares three or more desserts.
It only tells us the presence of quality. Both good and well change to better and best in their comparative and superlative forms. With one-syllable adjectives, you add -est to the word in order to form the superlative. 4. Some superlative forms of adjectives or adverbs are irregular.

A positive degree does not have any comparison.

Experts argued it is_____ - (important) 3. .

gift of all in his birthday.

intelligent ( comparative more intelligent or intelligenter, superlative most intelligent or intelligentest ) Of high or especially quick cognitive capacity, bright . Download full-size image from Pinterest . She is junior to me. Experts argued it is_____ - (important) 3.

These forms, as you will see, depending on the number of syllables in the adjective or adverb. She was a very intelligent student. .

1 Answer.

Daniela is the most intelligent girl I've ever met.- Daniela es la chica más inteligente que he conocido.

One World Trade Center is (ta11) building in the United States.

My most enjoyable class is English. 2 He earns more than me. Answers.

- chileno, SEP 9, 2013.

Comparative and Superlative Adjectives Download this explanation in PDF here. This new job is_____ for me than the . What is the comparative of intelligent? 2. One syllable adjectives generally form the comparative by adding -er and the superlative by adding -est, e.g. She was younger than I thought. 1. Irregular adjectives. Declension of intelligent in the superlative, declension tables for many other German adjectives.

"He is fast." "He is faster than you/than he was before." "He is the fastest." The comparative form requires additional . Two-syllable adjectives that follow two rules.

Ella es la más inteligente. Type the declined form of a noun, an adjective, or a participe or the conjugated form of a verb (without auxiliary and pronouns).

This is Paul's best friend. Platinum is costlier than gold.

For example, "Mary is an intelligent girl." In this sentence, the word 'intelligent' tells us more about the noun 'Mary', and is therefore, the adjective.
- My brother is the least responsible one in the family. When adjectives are used for comparisons, they are used in different forms: positive, comparative, and superlative.

She was_____ girl in her class. Write the superlative form of the words gíven. Translate Superlative of intelligent. Antonym: oldest She is the youngest of the children

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